Wednesday 21 June 2017


Sorry for the late update, I'll take the heat on that one.

Brian Jacques

I think the first time I read this I was in middle school. 7th grade, perhaps. I don't know, that's ancient history at this point. Fast forward to 2017 and this reading of the story. It's still just as beautiful as I remember it. Honestly, I think it's better than I remembered. There were a few parts where I had to stop and reread a paragraph, marveling at my middle-school self's ability to comprehend these things. There were other lines I reached and thought, "damn, this is a kid's book, right?"

If you've never read Redwall, please do. It's a fantasy novel with woodland creatures. Cluny the Scourge was--is--one of my favorite villains ever. Matthias is an interesting and believable protagonist. The tale may be aimed at a younger audience, but it is thoroughly enjoyable as an adult. The various subplots are interesting and engaging.

ohhhh myyyy goodnesss you guys! How long has it been since these were the "it" books? I can remember reading these and trading them around between my three best friends (and co-AR Stars!) at Rasco Middle School! Brian Jacques' Redwall was such fun to reread. It's been more years than I can count since I first read these books, and while I remember bits and pieces, reading this story felt new again to me. 

The characters - all the mice of Redwall, Constance the badger, Ambrose Spike the hedgehog, Basil the hare - are so much fun, and all are unique. The writing is beautiful, and each animal has it's own dialect or vocabulary to suit it. I had the same kind of moment as Mikie did when we first picked up the book, where I couldn't help but think "I read this in fifth or sixth grade??? Really? Dang I'm smart!"

Honestly such fun and enjoyable books, and if you missed the craze back in the day, read them now!

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